Biz İstanbul
İstanbul’da yaşamış, İstanbul’dan tat almış, İstanbul’a tat vermiş herkes için…
In the Footsteps of Bartók, in Anatolia
An show of arts based on Bartok’s Turkish and Hungarian researches
Béla Bartók arrived in Turkey in the autumn of 1936, spending a short time first in Istanbul and then in Ankara, and then, traveled Turkey with Adnan Saygun. His collection in Turkey made him even more convinced that by understanding the relationship between Hungarian and Turkish peasant music, a more accurate view of the nature of the common history of the two peoples was possible.
This show, dedicated to Bartók's legacy, brings in play many arts, and reflects not only on the folk music of different ethnicities and their interactions, but also on the connections between diverse dance traditions and material cultures. The show brings together many disciplines such as dance, music and ballet.
Kornél Fekete-Kovács: Hunkish Overture
Nikola Parov: Türk Dansları / Turkish Dances – Dance Süite
Cemal Reşit Rey: Halk Dansları Üzerine (Orkestra Versiyonu) / Turkish Scenes (Orchestral Version)
Bartók – Kornél Fekete-Kovács: Bulgar Ritminde Dört Dans / Four Dances İn Bulgarian Rhythm
Ahmed Adnan Saygun: Yaylı Çalgılar Dörtlüsü No:3 – III. Agitato / String Quartet No. 3 – III. Agitato
Bartók: Kontrastlar / Contrasts
Fekete-Kovács Kornél: Turkarian Conclusion
Müzik / Music: Kornél Fekete-Kovács, Nikola Parov
Müzik Editörü / Music Editor: László Gőz
Animasyon / Animation: Laluz Visual Studio
Koreografi / Choreographers: György Ágfalvi, Gábor Mihályi, László Velekei
Yönetmen / Director: Csaba Káel